So, as I was reading this morning, some scriptures really stuck out. Repentance has been a word that's been on my mind for the past few days. It's really not an easy thing to do. I heard a quote somewhere...I can't really remember where I heard it, but it says the closer you get to God's light, the more of the dirt of life you see on yourself. Once you see it, you can allow God to clean it off of you. Once you're clean, the closer you can get to His light and the more dirt you see. It's a constant cycle of repentance, cleansing, and growth in God. I'm in one of those moments. Knowing and having a relationship with Him is not about just saying a prayer for salvation and going about your way. John the Baptist and Jesus both preached the message of Repentance.
Acts 20:21 "I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus."
I look at my heart and I see so many things that I have to give over to God. I hear that message to repent, and I wonder what it means...According to, it means
"That divinely wrought conviction of sin in the heart that the soul is guilty before God, and resolute turning away from sin in which the sinner identifies himself with the gracious act of God in redeeming him. Repentance involves both a change of mind about sin, and a change of heart-attitude toward sin. It is at the time of renunciation of sin and an acceptance of the Holy Spirit's enablement to Holy Living. Repentance is necessary for salvation. Jesus asserted that it was a necessary condition"
That is HUGE. It means I can't just rely on words of my mouth to give me salvation. I have to honestly seek after God's will and love what He loves. He definitely doesn't love sin. Turning from sins is a difficult action, but with God, it is so much easier. That quote says it is the RESOLUTE turning away. I know some things in my life that I need to give to God. And repentance isn't just a one-time thing either, it's a daily turning away from sins because we're never going to be fully perfect, we'll always have issues and sins to give to God. I'm so glad that God is constant, always there, listening and waiting for us to turn to Him (Hebrews 13:5).
I challenge you to look at your heart. Get a little closer to God's light and let Him show you the issues and sins in your life. He's not going to do it judgmentally. He's doing it out of love, so that we can be free of the "have to" of sins, we can live life in joy and freedom from sin. It's not really super fun to see the issues in your heart. I am going to be honest, too, it's not easy. God has shown me some things that have been consistent in my heart since I was little that I just kept shoving off and ignoring rather than DEALING. It's really hard to say no to those things in my heart, spirit, and mind...but I am RESOLUTE to do it, because God was gracious and loving enough to let His own Son, His own CHILD, die a horrible death and bear the weight of my sins so that I wouldn't have to. That's mind-blowing and it's a good reminder. The God that created this GINORMOUS universe loved me enough to give of Himself to save I'm not going to repent and grow closer to Him because I HAVE to, I'm going to do it because I want the joy of being united with Him for eternity. He does give us that option. He wants us to spend eternity but He can't dwell with sin. With people that haven't repented and accepted His gift, He can't dwell. God really is mind-blowing, and I'm glad for that...because if I could fully comprehend Him in my little brain, He'd be a little God, and He's not. :-D
"9Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.
10For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let Your Holy One see corruption.
11You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of JOY; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
-Psalm 16:9-11